
Perception Survey

North Yorkshire Perception Survey 2023​

​In 2023 Visit North Yorkshire commissioned an experienced and specialist research agency,  Emotional Logic, to conduct some online visitor research about how visitors and non-visitors view North Yorkshire as a destination. The research examined:

  • Visitor profile​
  • Visitor behaviours​
  • Visitor satisfaction​
  • Destination analysis​
  • Awareness levels ​
  • Brand values and perceptions​
  • Motivations to visit​
The results were both detailed and insightful.  The full report can be viewed below, but a summary of the key points includes:

  • 69% of current visitors come from within the 2-hour drivetime ​
  • 33% only realised they had visited North Yorkshire when shown a map ​
  • Current visitors are satisfied and likely to return (89% rate their visit good/very good and over 95% want to return)​
  • Only 3% of non-visitors have never heard of North Yorkshire ​
  • More than 60% Are open to visiting in the future​